Strength, Modularity, Stack ability and Scalability has been our mantra while designing a battery module, which we lovingly call an Octabat. An Octabat is a physical building block of our battery platform with a Lego based design which can be configured and seamlessly stacked for applications ranging from two wheeler to truck !. Brutally tested under -20deg C upto +60 deg C climatic conditions with severe mechanical shocks and impacts, Octabat successfully stands firm


Our patented designs for robust thermal management stack for Electric Vehicles compises of the following technologies:

  • Water ethylene glycol based battery thermal management system
  • Dielectric coolant based battery thermal management system
  • Refrigerant based battery thermal management system
  • Phase Change Material based battery thermal management system
  • Our novel electrochemical-thermal simulation software- “Battherm” based on cell electrochemistry, is exclusively used for thermal profiling of cells is a tremendous value addition to OEMS and Cell R&D Labs in fastracking the product development

    So whether it’s Battery, Motor or even a Fast Charger, your thermals are sorted


    Our wide portfolio of Battery Management Systems ranging from 12V to 60V in low voltage category and Master-slave configuration for 60V-400V in high voltage category is a strict guardian for each and every cell of a battery pack though out its life. It routinely tracks your battery pack performance and health coupled with a simple and seamless Cloud Analytics Platform, for predictive and preventive maintenance of the battery pack.

    An OctaBMS is equipped with ML based algorithms for battery state estimation, thermal runaway prediction and real time vehicle range prediction based on vehicle loading conditions, driving patterns, real time traffic and your overall vehicle health